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Post What are you thinking? Right now? Part IV Cannot Rate Thread 54 replies 4,457 views
NEW POST Post # 26
Crazy mouse lady
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Lots of stuff going right now lol sorry for not posting much though this forum is not really what I'd call active is having cataract surgery, we had part of our basement flood due to snow meltage, and we got a new cat. Lol see the pet thread.
NEW POST Post # 27
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It's okay. I'm wondering if sending emails to people when there are new posts might spark some interest.
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 28
Crazy mouse lady
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I'd sure love some more appreciation for the Nuumonja project I'm doing lol not that Ed's words don't count but you know I want more people to enjoy.
NEW POST Post # 29
Crazy mouse lady
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Just commenting on the news on the main site...I personally think a remake would ruin this game, because there would be horribly made sequels to generate more money. I dunno, I've just lost faith in sequels. Also this pic owns lol I'm sure Key would love it.
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NEW POST Post # 30
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I'm thinking... I agree with everything you just said. Key was a legend, I wonder what happened to him. He was so paranoid (as a schtick?) that I don't even have his email from the last forum. Oh well. And yeah, a Chrono remake... I'm skeptical.

Anyway, thanks for keeping this site alive. Every time I come to Chrono Shock I do a little happy dance. Or maybe it's just a mental, crazy dance.
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 31
Crazy mouse lady
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Lol thoughts on the manga? You never commented on the last 2 pages xD
NEW POST Post # 32
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NEW POST Post # 33
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Never played that one, that's weird, I thought I played all of the good Super Nintendo games.
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NEW POST Post # 34
Crazy mouse lady
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It's definitely worth it my sir. I dare say it is almost as good at Chrono Trigger in it's own way.
NEW POST Post # 35
Crazy mouse lady
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I would say I'd be a drooling Mario fan if the plumbers were this badass.

NEW POST Post # 36
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Nintendo would never... I guess that's why fanart exists
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 37
Crazy mouse lady
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Lol hey a girl can dream I guess.
NEW POST Post # 38
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NEW POST Post # 39
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During my walk by No frills I would have run if he had made a move toward me but he was focused on going to his nest. Poor thing has been spotted several places in the city prolly lost and confused, looking for somewhere safe to live.
NEW POST Post # 40
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Wow, a badger just out in the open like that. Usually they don't show themselves.
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NEW POST Post # 41
Crazy mouse lady
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Thankfully I could see he wanted nothing to do with me; he was walking directly down the sidewalk but when he saw me he deviated.
NEW POST Post # 42
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NEW POST Post # 43
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People are going to look back at 2020 and say "how could they be so smart but so dumb".
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 44
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Some random person commented perhaps that doctor needs two masks, one for her bottom.
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I'm thinking... every time I open up Chrono Shock now I feel happy. Like, hey, it's there! It looks like Chrono Shock! Just Chrono Shockin' away! Look at 'er go! Yeehaw!

I have no idea how to get more members, but that doesn't stop me from being happy that it just exists, and it's pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 47
Crazy mouse lady
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Lol I'm waiting for some feedback spazzy phazzy on my crack theory and my latest manga sub.
NEW POST Post # 48
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One of my sisters posted this on FB lol so I did it too.
The shirt reads Emotionally unavailable. This defines me:
I fail sometimes... not as a person... but in the things I do at times. I don't always say the right things. I don't have an amazing figure. I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world, but I'm me. I like to have drinks with friends and get loud! I am colorful and funny.
I have scars because I have a history. Some people love me, some like me, some don't. I have done good. I have done bad. I go without make up & I don't get dressed up most days! I'm random and silly. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I am who I am, you can love me or not. And if I love you, I do it with all my whole heart!! I make no apologies for the way I am. I AM ME!
NEW POST Post # 49
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But how do you know that you're really you, and not someone else?
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NEW POST Post # 50
Crazy mouse lady
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Lol I don't think I'm Cloud Strife with an identity crisis. Though I do have dreams of a former life.


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