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Other forums you are apart of or enjoy!

What other forums do you lurk at or post on?

Personally, since starting to make a bunch of forums myself, I have a huge list of cool forums that I found that I want to read (when I have time).
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 2
Crazy mouse lady
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Frankly, none for ages. I got tired of rpg's with no rules and others I was part of became a shit show after owners that paid for the websites passed them on to people that had no interest in paying for them.
NEW POST Post # 3
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Yep, that's how forums usually go. You build up a community of friends and then someone doesn't pay the hosting bill and - poof - all gone.
Where's the beef?
NEW POST Post # 4
Floating around and laughing menacingly
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Gold: 110, it's kind of dead but i still check it regularly
This is my signature. It might not be much for now, but someday it's going to be great.
Edited by Voltaire's Skull, at

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