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Post Crackpot Theories

Post your most outrageous theories about the series. I'll go first:


Janus' cat is Crono's cat. The facts:

* At the end of Chrono Trigger, Chrono's cat jumps into the portal.
* Cats appear randomly throughout the game's timelike (such as the cat falling into the pit when chasing Ozzie)
* Janus' cat appears to be purple, but in the original Japanese translation of CT, it is said that the royal family dye their hair purple to show off their high status in society. That includes Janus. That includes... his cat.
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Crazy mouse lady
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I have a really longass theory lol when I can be bothered I'll type it out, it links how Magus and Frog are actually related to Chrono Cross and all that good stuff. One thing I wonder though is why Alfador had white as well as purple spots on him in the anime cutscene, I guess one of those lack of color palette effects in the sprite version like Magus' cape? I feel since the animated version came later the anime version was likely the more correct...but hmm. Also how do I change my birthday?
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Quote, by MajuuNazumi:
Also how do I change my birthday?

Oh, I need to add that feature. Maybe tomorrow!
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Crazy mouse lady
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I mean I'm flattered the site thinks I've lived over 2000 years lol actually I explore some small ingame theories in a brief fanfic I wrote.
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Crazy mouse lady
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Well here we go. I have thought long about how to post this though mostly I forgot for a while. I will not go into depth in the first post but here is my first crackpot theory.

Glenn goes back to the present and rescues Lucca from Lynx in Chrono Cross. While Magus is busy with Kid aka Schala.

I know that in Radical Dreamers it stated Lynx killed Lucca but it never explicitly stated this end to my knowledge in Cross, if it did I don't recall. But Chrono Cross was half assed anyway to my mind, and it is likely Frog had nothing to go back to in his own time. So there we go, I can expound if we get some discussion.
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NEW POST Post # 6
Crazy mouse lady
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To add to this I figure Magus must go back to Frog's time after he found out what time Schala was in on the way to return him to human form and Frog went with him to the present after his ceremony.


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