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Final Fantasy VII: Remake
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The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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Final Fantasy VII: Remake

Possibly the most ambitious remake out there. What do you think of it? Did you play the original, or is this a fresh introduction to the story for you? Love it? Hate it? I think we can probably all agree that it's got a fantastic soundtrack written by people who very much loved the original soundtrack. Talented voice cast, and mostly pretty graphics (I haven't played it on PS5, so hope a few textures got updated). What do you think of the changes they've made? Where do you think it's going next? Are you hopeful? Are you terrified?
Edited by NuPharazon, at
NEW POST Post # 2
Eldici the Drugged
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I think Nomura's gone a little crazy with power. Some of the stuff the characters are talking about seems to jive with his fever dreams he puts into Kingdom Hearts.
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The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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Definitely fair (Although I'm not super familiar with Kingdom Hearts). But Final Fantasy has gone kind of more that direction since XIII at least. I've gradually become more okay with the bizarre throughout my life. I guess my main complaints with Remake were that the two final battles felt like too much for the first game. But overall I quite enjoyed it. Part of me just wants a straight remake of the original because it was just so good. But I'm also interested (And a little scared) to see where they take it in the next game.
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Eldici the Drugged
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I still need to actually finish the original before I even start on the Remake.
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NEW POST Post # 5
The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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I went back and replayed the original after playing Remake, which was great. Yeah, it's a bit clunky, but the story still holds up.
NEW POST Post # 6
Crazy mouse lady
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I couldn't finish the remake, my eyes get blurry and I get a headache from the high def graphics. I cannot even play most ps4 games...damn Barret swears lots from what I did play. I would die to see Cid LOL
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NEW POST Post # 7
The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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Quote, by MajuuNazumi:
I couldn't finish the remake, my eyes get blurry and I get a headache from the high def graphics. I cannot even play most ps4 games

I'm sorry to hear that, although it is understandable. I find myself tired out by a lot of games now because there's too much going on. I can only play certain games in short spurts.

Quote, by MajuuNazumi:
...damn Barret swears lots from what I did play. I would die to see Cid LOL

Both of these statements are truth.
Edited by NuPharazon, at


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