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Post We need to go back in time and stop ourselves from posting such cringe things on ChronoShock Cannot Rate Thread 5 replies 433 views
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Post We need to go back in time and stop ourselves from posting such cringe things on ChronoShock

Who's with me?

Where's the beef?
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The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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Me. Definitely me.
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Eldici the Drugged
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My younger self definitely looks like a tRumper to my modern self.

They say that "you become more conservative with age", but I've been moving further and further left.
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NEW POST Post # 4
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My parents consciously or unconsciously indoctrinated young me with conservative ideology, and then as a teen I got caught up in the world of conservative talk radio.
Then I went to college and started to hang out with nerds (who as a general rule tend to be left-leaning), and realized that my assumptions were wrong, the right-wing was mischaracterizing the entire left as a series of trivially-defeated strawmen arguments, and there aren't any easy answers (not Reaganism, not socialism).

(EDIT: Oops, posted from my test account window lol)
Edited by Meataphysical, at
NEW POST Post # 5
The Nu formerly known as Belthasar
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I've become way less conservative as I've aged, especially in the last five or so years. I was also raised fairly conservative, and was taught about those bad other people. Now I am one of those "bad" other people. Not that I've done anything crazy (I've honestly lived a somewhat tame life so far), but I don't have the same parameters and definitions of "right" and "wrong" as I held then. I've also come to the shocking revelation that people can be different than me and still not be terrible people. Another equally shocking revelation is that I'm not always right about everything.
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God, I should make a new forum that's just a support group for people who grew up with religious ideals they found didn't match reality. I think everyone I knew would join
Where's the beef?
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